We ensure your Learning Materials are Publish-Ready

EduQual’s obsessed with making your learning materials publish-ready. We check for errors, inconsistencies, make sure everything is clear, and test your online courses to make sure they work right.

Need help with

  • Finding errors?
  • Improving writing?
  • Testing your online courses?

We’ve got you covered.

Course Design and Content Development

Ensure learning outcomes are met through effective and engaging courses that boost learning experience

We create courses that truly matter. Our focus is on developing learning experiences that are not only informative but also engaging and effective. We understand that every learner is unique, and our courses are designed to cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. By combining instructional design expertise with in-depth subject matter knowledge, we develop content that is relevant, accessible, and impactful. Our goal is to create courses that not only meet learning objectives but also inspire learners to reach their full potential.

From concept development to final delivery, we partner with you to create exceptional learning experiences that drive results. Whether you need a fully customized course or want to improve existing materials, our team has the skills and experience to deliver in-time and reliable solutions.

Course designing & creation

E-book/epub creation

Assessment creation

Personalized learner feedback

Multimedia and accompanying text

Interactive media

Editorial, Quality Assurance, and SME Review Services

End-to-End QA for Faster Time-to-Market
Data Integration Services
Accelerate your publishing process by availing full-service editorial and QA support.

Our team offers a full suite of editorial, quality assurance, and subject matter expert (SME) review services to elevate your content. From meticulous copy editing to in-depth content validation, we ensure your materials are accurate, consistent, and engaging.

Our Quality Assurance Services

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Content testing

Our content testing process involves a rigorous examination from multiple perspectives. Our team of experts analyzes your content for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. This includes Subject Matter Experts, Instructional Designers, Copywriters and Editors, and User Experience Specialists. They together ensure the efficacy of content in achieving learning objective. By combining these diverse perspectives, we ensure your content is not only accurate but also engaging and effective.
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Accuracy Checking

Our team of subject matter experts carefully examines your content for factual correctness. We cross-reference information with reliable sources, verify data, and ensure consistency throughout your material. This process guarantees the accuracy of your content.

Grading QA: In e-learning content, grading accuracy can make or break the product. Auto-grading is a valuable tool in assessments, and we specialize in testing and ensuring that all auto-graded content is accurate.

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Accessibility Testing

We ensure your content is usable by everyone, including people with disabilities. We check that your learning materials can be easily understood and used by individuals with different abilities.

This includes testing how well your content works with screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies.

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Interactive Learning

We ensure your interactive elements are engaging and easy to use. Our experts test images, videos, simulations, and other multimedia components to guarantee optimal performance and accessibility.

We also verify that supporting elements like transcripts and alt text are accurate and complete.

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Bug Fixing

We also provide services to fix the bugs identified and reported during the testing phase to ensure an error-free product for the learners.

Familiarity with the backend of platforms like Geyser, MEF, Cnow, OWL, Cognero, Minatap, Aplia, Learnosity, WebAssign, Connect, CogBook, MyLab, Smartbook etc helps us achieve this.

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Functional Testing

Along with the content, we perform rigorous functional testing to validate system behavior. This involves executing test cases to verify that each component operates as per specifications. We assess the application’s response to various inputs, ensuring it aligns with expected outputs and adheres to functional requirements.

By combining editorial expertise with rigorous quality assurance, we deliver content that exceeds expectations.



Substantive editing

Plagiarism check


E-book/epub formatting

Content Digitization and Conversion

Continue to offer value-added courses across platforms and formats
Transform course information into actionable insights through expert digitization and conversion.

In today’s digital age, transforming your physical assets into accessible, searchable, and actionable data is essential. Our content digitization and conversion services empower you to harness the full potential of your information.

What We Do

Data Integration Services
  • Transform Paper into Digital: Convert books, records, and images into high-quality digital formats.
  • Seamless Data Migration: Migrate content between different formats and platforms without compromising integrity.
  • System Integration: Ensure your digital assets work seamlessly with your existing systems and workflows.
  • Intelligent Information Management: Organize, categorize, and structure your content for easy retrieval and analysis.

By Partnering with Us, you can

  • Enhance Learner Experience: Deliver content in formats that meet modern learning expectations.
  • Boost Operational Efficiency: Streamline workflows and reduce manual processes.
  • Accelerate Time-to-Market: Quickly convert content for new products or services.
  • Maximize Content Value: Unlock hidden insights through data analysis.
  • Future-Proof Your Business: Prepare for future challenges and opportunities.
  • Ensure Compliance: Adhere to industry regulations and standards.

Accessibility Testing

Make Every Learning Experience Inclusive
Data Integration Services
Ensure equitable access to all types of users without compromise in learning experience.

We help you create inclusive digital experiences. Our accessibility testing services identify and eliminate access barriers, ensuring your content is usable by everyone.

From websites and mobile apps to software and documents, we ensure compliance with accessibility standards like WCAG. Let’s build a world where digital content is accessible to all.

What We Do

Conduct comprehensive accessibility audits

Identify and remediate accessibility issues

Provide actionable recommendations

Integrate Accessibility into Development and Design Processes

Ensure compliance with accessibility standards

Offer ongoing accessibility support and training